Author Archives: John
MRI Chillers: Answers to Common Questions
MRI Chillers: Answers to Common Questions A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical [...]
What Refrigerants Do Medical Chillers Use?
Medical chillers are essential for the safe and proper function of complex medical machines. Essentially, [...]
How Do MRI Chillers Work?
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a diagnostic technique used by complex, powerful medical machines [...]
Best Chillers for Your PVD/Vacuum Coating System
Arguably the “temperature failsafe” of any thermal spraying operation, thermal chillers are a key component [...]
How Chillers Improve the Productivity of Your Thermal Spray Equipment
If you’re not using thermal spray chillers, your output and productivity could be suffering. Chillers [...]
Must-Haves for Thermal Spray Businesses
If you own a thermal spray business, you probably think a lot about day-to-day safety. [...]
Is Your PVD Coating Equipment Safe
PVD Coating and Benefits PVD coating offers many benefits making it a superior choice to [...]
Benefits of Using an Industrial Chiller
Industries using heavy machinery often have to deal with excess heat production. Excess heat, if [...]
Why Your MRI Machine Needs a Medical Chiller
Specialized machinery like an MRI machine is one of your facility’s most valued assets. Magnetic [...]
What to Look for in an Industrial Chiller
On first thought, choosing an industrial chiller may not seem like that big of a [...]